Thursday, October 11, 2012

Conspiracy Theory

Something unusual just happened. I was heading to work. As usual, on a rick. Was on the way down from a flyover when the driver lost his control on wheels and hit the divider. The driver flew out of the rick. I was about to collide and two things came to my mind . (1) if i survive, this is so going on Facebook and (2) I need to find out whether there is an unnatural conspiracy involved in this event. I was inside the whole time, when it flipped over and finally stopped. Saved without a scratch. Took the driver to a nearby hospital. I came home. Did the first thing on my checklist. The event went on Facebook. I checked my diary to find out the answer to the second one. Eight Years back, I was heading to work on my bike. Didn't see the speeding bus coming from back. We had a moment and in the next one, I was in the ground almost kissing a giant tyre. It was close but was saved without a scratch. The date October 12, 2004. And today October 12, 2012.

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