Friday, April 17, 2015

Counting Diamonds to Sleep.

It was another sleepless night and as usual I was in bed looking at rotation cycles of the fan. After a while I thought of pushing myself on to a dream. This is something that I often do-  I will stage the setting, characters and if needed an inciting incident in my mind. The dream will soon take off from your curb to a subliminal auto-drive. I decided to try the technique again and started staging a very simple initiation. I am in this small room which had wooden flooring and papers on the wall where I am sitting in a chair and staring at pile of diamonds.I am slowly filling a glass jar with those diamonds. And accidentally one of them falls on to the floor, bounces around and rests hidden. Now here my mind starts getting a little uncomfortable, sleep pattern changes and I am back in control of my dream. Now I can direct the dream in a such a way that I found the diamond from the floor resting right next to the leg of the chair; picked it up and put it in the jar. But my subconscious mind didn't let me do that. Even when I deliberately placed the diamond there on the scene, my mind kept telling me that its not the right diamond.

Now going to the bigger picture here - I tried this experiment with a couple of my friends and 4 out of 5 were able to sleep peacefully and continue with the dream after altering the dream by putting the diamond where they could see it. But one of them had the same quandary that I faced. I am not really qualified to validate this as a solid study, but I think it was an archetypical of two kinds of people. The ones who feel contend with whatever they have and the ones who can never settle with whatever they own. What is your take?


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